Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Fabric shopping is intense! You start off with a clear idea of what you want and walk out with something different and an empty bank account. Here are some of my tips when preparing for the eppic-ness of fabric shopping.

1. Don't drink coffee before hand, your mind may explode. Lollies are way more fun.
2. Bring a pen and paper with you, your designs will most likely change when you are faced with very attractive fabrics and great new ideas of what you could do with these fabrics. Stay strong.
3. It's important to make a plan of what fabrics you are looking for and what you will use it for. Like, shopping for clothes, you don't want to buy something to have it sit in your closet unused.
4. A packed lunch and water is essential for shopping stamina.
5. Over estimate how long it will take. Whatever you think, triple it. 
6. Bring a calculator with you to work out how much you're about to spend before you hit the cash register. You don't want to be making any IBBP (impulse budget blowout purchases) because there is a line of people behind you. 
7. And finally, have fun!

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